Thursday, January 14, 2010

Short and sweet...

...'tis the Brink of the White Rocks, both versions. the first starts with a nonet pickup in G major. After many takes, version 1 sounded like a song. 4 doodads. more talented fiddlers wouldn't have had to make such a long effort.

Now, here's a little note of struggle, not jihad. just struggle. after 20-30 playings of B of WR, V 1, it sounded decent, I played some other songs and came back. I had lost the thread and had to start around square 2 or so (of 30).

Then the next page reveals The Coolin with variations, which takes 14 lines, which is a lotta dots. Surprisingly, the second reading sounds like a song. 4 doodads, because of its uniqueness.

I deserve a stir fry of Curried chicken tonight!

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